Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ethan's birthday!

Ethan's birthday was a stressful day for mom. I was sure I wouldn't be able to make a Lightning McQueen cake for my little boy and that's all he really wanted. (Not that he'll eat it...he doesn't like cake or frosting). Ethan and I went shopping for frosting and cakes and came home way too late in the day to start making a cake. I didn't even get it in the oven until after 3pm (and you're supposed to cool the cake completely)! LOL The Chocolate cake literally fell into three pieces when I took it out of the pan. UGH! I was sure I'd failed at that point - just ask Tim...he had to console me, assuring me that Ethan is only four and he'd get over it. At 5pm I started this took me an hour and I really should have given myself more time to do a cake and fix dinner. However, birthday dinner for Ethan consisted of shrimp and Honey Nut Cheerios. (Interesting combination...he did end up eating some noodles and plain cake left over from the car).
I can't believe my little E is already 4! I never dreamed four years could go by so incredibly fast! His smiles, his humor, his love and his voice are some of the most precious things I get to enjoy as his mommy. As I put him to bed on his birthday, he said, "mom...the day went too fast. I got up, I played and back to bed." The hand motions during this conversation were the best. He's so cute...mostly I think he was just sad to see his birthday end. But before I know it, we'll be celebrating his 5th birthday.

the beginnings of the car...three pieces cut to the shape of a car....
LOTS of frosting "glue"...
Painting the windows and wheels...I also added a spoiler with toothpicks....

starting to take shape... I used oreos for wheels and yellow sprinkles for #95
about this time...Ethan came in from playing and with a huge smile said, "mom, you're doing a great job!" I broke into tears and hugged him. He had to ask, "are you happy mom?" He'd seen me cry several times this day trying to deal with the stress I caused myself, trying to be a good mom who could make a cake!!! Thank GOD for Ethan loving the cake and being an encouragement!

I had to take pictures soon after it was made...the spoiler was falling off already once frosting was added and I was afraid after dinner the whole thing may have collapsed!

Top view!!! I even remembered the blue eyes. Ethan was proud of me. :)

blowing out the candles....

He got a big bike with parts, tools and a ramp...
And Daddy found a Legos Star Wars game for him. He's very excited to start playing that one!

Brother checking out the goods too...

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