Monday, March 16, 2009

36 week shots!

We had our 36 week apt. and found that the baby is head down (she gave us a scare because the doctor found her heartbeat fairly high on my abdomen). The doctor was sure she was turned the wrong way, but a quick U/S showed she IS head down. Also found out that I'm 1.5 cm dilated...but the head is still not really all that low. Everything looked good though, so hopefully all will continue well and we'll have a baby in 3-4 weeks!!! I'm beginning to get the nursery's half office and half nursery, but it's working.

Jacob moved into his car bed - for the second time. He decided this time he was ready to give his crib to Emma and that he'd use his car bed. I pray it goes well...I need my sleep!!! This morning he was talking and awake, but stayed in his that was a positive move in the right direction. He's also decided that using the potty on occasion is a good thing!

Ethan is excited at the pink things coming into the house. He keeps saying, "aah. So cute!"

Boy! I look thrilled. It was late and I quickly decided to take these pictures so I didn't forget and pass the 36 week mark.

I'm certainly bigger...but that bump still looks high to me! Drop baby, drop!!

My fellow prego friend Heather and I both getting our toes done. I always think I need something pretty to look at while I'm pushing!!! Aaah! It felt SOOO great. Too bad I can't do this every week!
My little E excited that his brother is asleep and not getting out of his bed!

Jacob fast asleep in his car bed! :) He was very good last night.

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