Friday, November 21, 2008

The news!!! Kinda ....

Me at 20 weeks! it looks like a skeleton...but you can see the black holes...those are eyes, nose and mouth.

There certainly isn't anything to suggest it's a boy...but this is a bottom shot with legs close anything could be tucked up and hiding!!! LOL

Cute little foot!
Both feet! They were moving around like crazy...that's why they're a bit blurry. I guess (she's) making sure she's ready to run around with her brothers.

Well, baby was moving around like a little gymnast...but didn't want to spread her/his legs to make anything 100% for us. We got an 80% chance it's a girl from the tech and a 70% chance it's a girl from her supervisor. I guess God wants me to be more patient and just wait and see. I really feel it's a girl and I so badly want to start calling her by name and getting the room pink...but I must be careful in case a third boy surprises us in April. I'll have to keep receipts and tags for anything that might need to be switched out to blue...but I'm definitely going to have to buy a few frilly girl things!!! They weren't able to get any profile shots because the baby had its face snuggled down and they also didn't get a good look at the heart. Because of that, there is a chance my doctor will decide they want another Ultrasound and perhaps on that day the baby will want us to see more. :) In the meantime, we are thrilled to have seen the baby, heard the heartbeat and we look forward to hearing from our doctor that everything is normal. The tech can't tell us anything but girl or boy. They can't even tell me if the placenta is in an ideal place or not. So...more waiting...but I'm happy to have had my appointment. Ethan is excited to know it looks like he'll have a sister...but we tried to tell him that we're not sure...don't know if he gets that or not.

Thanks all for your prayers! We look forward to your reactions as you try to make out the pictures! They're the most unclear shots I've ever had with a baby...but this one is extremely active! (and I thought my boys were crazy)!

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