Friday, August 15, 2008

Fun at Grammy and Grampy's

Ethan and Grammy love doing puzzles together.
Jacob had loads of fun with the bebee and as the bebee. Lydia wasn't always so excited about her cousin messing up her doll once she has put it to sleep. :) Sorry Lydia!
Ethan sitting proudly with Mayah
All four cousins! Jacob, Lydia, Mayah and Ethan.
The Daddy's! Tim and Nathan.
Always fun to play with toys at Grammy's house
Jacob found himself a helmet in Grampy's shed. Maybe a little big...but as long as I held his head up, he thought it was pretty cool!
Jacob wanted a "bi bike" too. In time little one!
Ethan was SOOOO excited to get the new bike Grampy found for him. Now he can finally keep up with his older friends who have bigger wheels!
Trinity thought Ethan's lap was pretty nice. Ethan was in heaven being able to pet her as we read our book.

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