Saturday, March 1, 2008

Ethan turns three!!

Ethan is very proud to be 3. We were lucky to have an absolutely beautiful day to celebrate. We went to lunch and mini-golfing. Grammy and Grampy were able to join us for lunch at Chick 'fil A and then go golfing with us. They stayed to watch E open his gifts and have cake. It was a really nice, relaxing day. Ethan tried to understand that his party was on the small scale, but it was a little hard on him. He said, "Hannah, Lydia, Wesley, Acacia, .... didn't get to make it today." He went on with a list of family and friends...but I told him this time we decided to go small and that not every year would he have a big party. He seemed content with that answer and went on his way. Ethan had a lot of fun seeing all his new things and couldn't wait to get out and ride his new bike, play with his new trains, use his very own computer, etc. He's a very blessed little boy!

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