Friday, March 7, 2008

"May I Can?"

Ethan is so cute with his manners. Lately he doesn't only say, "May I...", but "May I can..." It's so cute and I don't dare correct him - I enjoy hearing it too much. He is sure growing up quickly and being 3 is very exciting to him. I am in total disbelief that I have a 3 year old...where did three years go? There are moments I still see a glimpse of my little guy...but for the most part he is very independent and capable of tasks, words, and understanding. He catches everything you say and isn't afraid to ask questions if he doesn't totally understand something.
I still find myself gazing into his precious face once he falls asleep and longing for the little infant he once was...on the other hand, I love that he can tell me he loves me, crawl into my lap, give me a kiss or a hug and reach up to hold my hand. I just pray I am able to recall these little moments in time as he gets older and bigger. I try to tell him often that I am thankful that God gave him to me as my son. He is such a special little guy and I am truly amazed at the creature he is becoming and long to see what God has in store for him.

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