Saturday, March 15, 2008

brotherly love....

Jacob decided to join Ethan for story time at The Cup. We go there often....that's where mommy spends her $!!! If only I could figure a way to resell coffee...but I guess it's just money spent on an experience and it's worth it. The boys enjoy story time and Ethan usually talks me into a hot chocolate. Jacob is so cute...he only stays for a second...but he loves to pretend to be a big boy and sit on the carpet squares, pretending to listen to the story. He loves books, but usually it doesn't last long on any given book. He's off and running to get another one.
He loves his little chair that I set up right by a basket of books. He often "reads" one after another until they're all out of the basket. I hope the joy of books lasts for both of my boys. Ethan is VERY good at story time, sitting and listening to each word. He likes to talk about the story too...even if the other kids don't care!

We've also found a new joy. Our new Library opened within walking Ethan got his very own library card and looks forward to checking out new books each week.

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