Saturday, March 15, 2008

brotherly love....

Jacob decided to join Ethan for story time at The Cup. We go there often....that's where mommy spends her $!!! If only I could figure a way to resell coffee...but I guess it's just money spent on an experience and it's worth it. The boys enjoy story time and Ethan usually talks me into a hot chocolate. Jacob is so cute...he only stays for a second...but he loves to pretend to be a big boy and sit on the carpet squares, pretending to listen to the story. He loves books, but usually it doesn't last long on any given book. He's off and running to get another one.
He loves his little chair that I set up right by a basket of books. He often "reads" one after another until they're all out of the basket. I hope the joy of books lasts for both of my boys. Ethan is VERY good at story time, sitting and listening to each word. He likes to talk about the story too...even if the other kids don't care!

We've also found a new joy. Our new Library opened within walking Ethan got his very own library card and looks forward to checking out new books each week.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Fun with cousins!

We are so blessed to be close to at least some of our family. We recently went to Parker to visit Aunt Marah and all the kids. We also were able to hook up with cousin Michael and his Grandma Polly. We all had a wonderful meal together and then Aunt Ami got to take Hannah and Lydia shopping while the boys stayed at Aunt Marah's house. We also were able to spend the night. It was such fun!!! We were also there to take care of Aunt Marah after she had her wisdom teeth extracted. Note the picture of Jacob sacked out on the bed with Aunt Marah!! (love ya sis)

Friday, March 7, 2008

"May I Can?"

Ethan is so cute with his manners. Lately he doesn't only say, "May I...", but "May I can..." It's so cute and I don't dare correct him - I enjoy hearing it too much. He is sure growing up quickly and being 3 is very exciting to him. I am in total disbelief that I have a 3 year old...where did three years go? There are moments I still see a glimpse of my little guy...but for the most part he is very independent and capable of tasks, words, and understanding. He catches everything you say and isn't afraid to ask questions if he doesn't totally understand something.
I still find myself gazing into his precious face once he falls asleep and longing for the little infant he once was...on the other hand, I love that he can tell me he loves me, crawl into my lap, give me a kiss or a hug and reach up to hold my hand. I just pray I am able to recall these little moments in time as he gets older and bigger. I try to tell him often that I am thankful that God gave him to me as my son. He is such a special little guy and I am truly amazed at the creature he is becoming and long to see what God has in store for him.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Check out these looks....

Check this out...I couldn't believe the look on my face and the look on Ethan's face! He is my son!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Ethan turns three!!

Ethan is very proud to be 3. We were lucky to have an absolutely beautiful day to celebrate. We went to lunch and mini-golfing. Grammy and Grampy were able to join us for lunch at Chick 'fil A and then go golfing with us. They stayed to watch E open his gifts and have cake. It was a really nice, relaxing day. Ethan tried to understand that his party was on the small scale, but it was a little hard on him. He said, "Hannah, Lydia, Wesley, Acacia, .... didn't get to make it today." He went on with a list of family and friends...but I told him this time we decided to go small and that not every year would he have a big party. He seemed content with that answer and went on his way. Ethan had a lot of fun seeing all his new things and couldn't wait to get out and ride his new bike, play with his new trains, use his very own computer, etc. He's a very blessed little boy!