Thursday, August 12, 2010

Long time no blog...trying to start up again it's back to school - which means preschool for Jacbo and his buddy Luke and Kindergarten for my little E!! It's freaking me out. I know...many of you have left your kids at a sitter or preschool...but this is a first for me. I'm ready to pull him out already and start home school...but I will restrain. I know he's nervous and I've got to be careful not to add to it. I know he'll do great. I know he'll make friends and many of his friends are in his class! I know he'll learn a ton and have a ton of fun.'s still a very hard transition for me, his mommy. What will I do without my big boy helping me around the house, asking me to play xbox, watch a cartoon or cuddle? What will I do without him here to fight with Jacob? LOL Seriously, I know we'll all adjust. The worst part however is the change it will mean for me concerning getting up!! I told myself we'd get better at it over the summer, but ask any of the kids I take care kids are rarely up at 8 and/or they're still eating breakfast at 830. I however have gotten better at being up...I just enjoy my quiet time before 8. I have to not only have myself up, but three kids up, fed and ready to get out the door before 8!! Pray for me!! We'll be lucky to be there on time 5 days a week. :) I'll do my best though...I don't want him to be late.

I also have a pile of "stuff" on my desk that I need to get thru before Monday. I need an organized area so that I can think straight. I need to get organized soon, before I start teaching preschool to Luke and Jacob!

I'm looking forward to starting MOPS for the first time too come September. I've never done something like this and I'm excited to spend time with other women - old friends and new friends - and take a break from kiddos for a couple of hours a couple times a month!

I'm hoping to keep up more on my blog too...even if I don't get pictures uploaded too...I'll try to write. It's good for me to put my thoughts down on "paper" or computer! brother has been bugging me about not blogging anymore!! So this is for you Joe.

We'd had a wonderful summer. BUSY, BUSY...with childcare and a few things mixed in; zoo, visiting family, having visitors, unpacking and organizing (which never ends) and watching my kiddos grow up waaaay too fast. Though I'm looking forward to change...I'm missing the summer already. Where did it go? Why didn't I get to visit more with friends and family? Why didn't I get to the zoo more, the park more, workout more? It's crazy how out of control ones life can get without even realizing it until it's 3-4 months down the road!

As I look to the fall I hope to:

1. invest in my husband and our grow our relationship

2. get to know people on my new street

3. finally get pictures and a letter out BEFORE the craziness of the holiday season (maybe even let people know my 'new' address - even though we moved 5 months ago)

4. invest in my friends more

5. take care of myself - exercise and rest being at the top of the list

Well, maybe I'll even post some pictures this weekend!! (That is if I get thru my junk pile on the desk!!

1 comment:

Tirsa said...

You are too cute. I am at the airport heading to Texas and I just saw your email to all of the neighbors. I followed the link to your blog. You can now cross off on your list getting to know your neighbors better! I am so happy that you have made such an effort and have pulled our street together. You are awesome!