Thursday, September 17, 2009

Vacation! Kansas City and beyond!

Emma and I hiking
Sister-in-law Beth and Amanda hiking. :)
Ethan, Anna, & Jacob hiking in Oklahoma
a southern bug, responsible for the humming noise that I love in that climate. Tim found it while on a walk out in Lawton, OK. We were there visiting his brother and family. Tim's family lived there when he growing up.
Emma thought she was SUCH big stuff!!
Jacob wanted to buy it - of course. They tried hard to sell it to us too - 40% off!

Ethan on the same rocket he sat on at 6 mo. old
"moon mobile"
In the "white room" where they buckle in the astronauts...this was at the Cosmosphere in Kansas...pretty cool museum. We were here four years ago with just Ethan

Ethan...he loves to wink at people. :) Such a ham!

Emma wasn't much for the pool - which was fine with me! :)

Tim and the boys had fun playing basketball
Ready to swim and play

The pool area at our hotel in Hutchinson, KS - we had fun...but I had to stop thinking about how dirty it wall was and just try to let the kids have fun. NOT the cleanest place I'd ever been!!
on a bridge at the playground in Hillsboro, KS...Tim remembers playing here when he was a little guy. :)
She's just so cute!! She's deep in thought right now! Silly kiddos
Love em
feeding baby goats.
Jacob LOVED this!
Emma putting up with me making her sit in all the pretty flowers.
wondering WHY mom! Why!

Emma with her Grampy Griffith

Jacob was worn out already and it was only 2pm on our first day in Kansas City

Grampy and Ethan
Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead. We had a great time here. Didn't spend nearly enough time though...there was so much to do and not enough time to do it. We were here four years ago when Ethan was just 6 mo. old and flew thru it pretty quickly. It take more time when you have two kids that get into everything and want to do all the activities!!

Jacob checking out the flowers with Daddy...Ethan was asleep in the car and Emma was with mommy keeping an eye on Ethan while we visited with Paula in Manhattan, KS

Emma chillin in the car. She did SO good. :) Bless her little heart. She's holding the pink bunny her Great Grandma Wheeler gave her when we visited on our way.
All of us with Grandma Marge Wheeler...We found out that her grandma (so Emma's Great, Great, Great Grandma) was named that was VERY cool to find out!!! I love family and connections, so it means a great deal to me. :)
had to stop and take this shot. Very cool :)