Friday, April 10, 2009

Miss Emma Cait is here....

Miss Emma Cait arrived @128am on Tuesday, April 7th, 2009. She weighed 8lbs 2oz and measured 20.5 in. long. She is beautiful in every way. I was thrilled beyond belief as I was able to pull her out and up to my chest as they cleaned her off. This first pictures is just moments after they cleaned her up a little. This is another shot of her with me shortly after Daddy cut the cord and was able to run and get the camera.She nursed well right off the bat and was able to spend her first hour or so with me...Then it was onto her first "check-up" and bath. She LOVED her first "spa" experience and was totally calm for her first hair washing in the sink. She also loved the heat lamp and so the nurse and I joked that she'll love to go tanning and get herself spoiled! ~_~Here she is all wrapped up after her bath...calm and fast asleep. A close-up! :)
I had to change her into pink of soon as I could so her visitors could see her "dressed up"! This is a cute little outfit from aunt Beth and cousin Amanda Griffith

The boys flew into the room and noticed her right away up on the bed. Mom did a great job of dressing them up and making them look handsome!! I blew it though and never did take a picture of all five of us. :(

Ethan couldn't wait to hold her and he did a great job (until he felt a rumble and then quickly "dumped" her off).

Another shot of the boys admiring their little sis!

Grandma and Grandpa excited to see her. They, along with Uncle Guideon took great care of our little boys while we were in the hospital. :)

Grandpa holding the little lady...
Grandma doing the same...

Uncle Guideon loves to hold the little ones too...

Jacob was VERY glad to see his Daddy...he never did want to hold Emma while he was in the hospital...but was VERY happy to have Daddy and Mommy hold him.

Krista, Erika and Kyra came to visit and brought us yummy cookies!! :)

Aunt Marah Caitrin came to visit too.. note the bold letters...Emma Cait is named after my best friend and sis, Marah. :)

The Merrill clan. :) Uncle Jon had to work. All the kids decided Marah needs to have another one!!

Cousin Wesley

Cousin Acacia
Cousin Lydia
Cousin Hannah
All wrapped up in her "Little Love Bug" blanket from aunt Marah

Daddy with Emma just before we went home. She's only a day and a half old!

Mommy with Emma before going home. I had to wear pink too!! :)

The boys were happy to see her (although it doesn't look like it on Ethan's face!) They each had to have their blankets too. :)

:)Isn't she cute? She enjoyed her ride home - thank you Lord! We pray that keeps up!

Our traditional picture of the dogs greeting the new boss! :)

Emma and I took a nap the afternoon we got home. I had her on her side and she somehow turned over a bit, seriously lifted her head and put her arms like this. I woke up - in the SAME position - and had to run to get the camera. I wish someone had been there to take a picture of both of us. :) She is a total snuggle bunny and mostly sleeps in my arms...she isn't too thrilled at being put on the boppy between Tim and I or in her bassinet...she'd rather be snuggled up to my side. It's pretty sweet...but I know I'd get better sleep if I get her used to sleeping a little further from me...but there's time for that later! :)

Aunt Marah came to visit and I just had to put a bow on her head. It was pretty cute...but a little tight so I didn't leave it on too long. ;)

My sweet girl.

She did sleep snuggled up and in her bassinet for a little while so I could get a shower last night.
Well, we couldn't be happier with our little bundle of joy. She's been on a couple of walks and has been a great little addition to our family. We can't wait for all of our friends and family to meet her. We look forward to getting to know the little sweetheart God has created and given to us. I am still in amazement each time I think of how God can take something so small and grow it into the little miracle of a child. I pray that Tim and I can raise our little girl and our boys to be the men and woman God created them to be! It is such an honor and such a humbling experience to be a parent.


Anonymous said...

Congrats to you all! I love seeing all of the great pics of your pretty princess and handsome princes! What a beautiful family you have! God has blessed you greatly! Miss you...


deborahlynn said...

I am so impressed that you actually have time to update your blog!! That is remarkable!

Emma is beautiful! Congrats to your new addition!

Love, Deb Merrill

Erin said...

Thanks, Ami! I'm so excited to see and read about your sweet little girl! Hope to see you next month. She is gorgeous and you look great.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful pictures of little Emma and the boys and cousins holding her. God picked the right family for Emma! May you all continue to be blessed!
Love, Marilyn