Friday, August 15, 2008

Fun at Grammy and Grampy's

Ethan and Grammy love doing puzzles together.
Jacob had loads of fun with the bebee and as the bebee. Lydia wasn't always so excited about her cousin messing up her doll once she has put it to sleep. :) Sorry Lydia!
Ethan sitting proudly with Mayah
All four cousins! Jacob, Lydia, Mayah and Ethan.
The Daddy's! Tim and Nathan.
Always fun to play with toys at Grammy's house
Jacob found himself a helmet in Grampy's shed. Maybe a little big...but as long as I held his head up, he thought it was pretty cool!
Jacob wanted a "bi bike" too. In time little one!
Ethan was SOOOO excited to get the new bike Grampy found for him. Now he can finally keep up with his older friends who have bigger wheels!
Trinity thought Ethan's lap was pretty nice. Ethan was in heaven being able to pet her as we read our book.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Fun at Uncle Guideon's Birthday Party

Look out Ethan, you're not the only golfer in the family! I'm right behind you brother!
(Ethan was off with Grandma!)
The boys getting ready to race! I had to join them and I didn't do too bad!

Yummy! Pizza party! All worn out after a long day at Boondocks!

Serious Work and some fun too!

Thought I'd include some pictures of fun and work! Both of which the boys are good at.

Licking is the best part of baking and Jacob's got it down.
I told you this was serious!
Planting...obviously this was a while ago, but just getting around to including the pictures.
Ethan loves to help in the yard!
Here he is mowing. So serious!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Making Pizza 101

The boys were so excited to put on their apron, grab their stools and start maing pizzas!!!
Pretty cool aprons! They look like they're ready for anything. Even kept them on until Daddy got home! Ethan doing a great job at rolling out the dough some, spread some, eat some, spread some....
Cheese! Yummy!!! (found some frozen mozzarella...hope it tastes good).

Jacob didn't last very long...but Ethan helped from start to finish and couldn't wait to taste his pizza. I thought it would never get done because he kept wanting to look at it in the oven! I guess we were so excited...we never took a picture of the finished product. Oh was good for our first cheese pizza, making it from ingredients we had in the cupboard!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Camping! First try - last try for a while! Oh well....

Dirt and more dirt...didn't seem to bother Jacob!
Our two little explorers Wesley and Ethan! Aren't they cute?

Well, here is the morning! After only THREE hours of sleep...Jacob was back awake...all smiles. Ethan did great...although he was worn out too since his brother decided that sleeping in a tent was not for him and it would be much more fun to be awake all night either fussing or laughing and climbing all over the tent. It was a rough night to say the least. We resorted to taking him for a drive at 4am finally and that put him to sleep. Since Ethan never liked the car or fell asleep in it...we rarely think to do that...but it works with Jacob. Anyway, we enjoyed most of Saturday, but decided to cut the trip short and not chance another sleepless night!
Here we are all "looking" awake and enjoying lunch. :) It was Acacia's 5th birthday and poor little thing...she got sick and had a hard time enjoying it. Camping this year just wasn't mean to be! BUT...we still celebrated and had as much fun as we could on 3 hours of sleep.
Ethan sporting dirt on his face. We were all totally a mess by the time we got home!!! But what's camping without dirt?

We're all smiles at dinner on Friday night. It really was awesome to spend time with my sis and her family camping...just wish it had gone better at night!
Here's Jacob, also sporting dirt on his face and well...up his nose!
Beautiful as always in Estes! Wish we had been able to hike a bit of it...but we stuck pretty close to camp; playing games, baseball and trying to function without sleep. (I also forgot the it would have been hard to hike).
Here's Jacob "napping". We had to strip him down and leave the windows open in the tent because it was SO hot even in the mountains! We ignored him and eventually he did fall asleep...but not for too long...he was just too hot.
Here we are on our little mini hike. The kids did great. Even Jacob hiked up most of it! Acacia was back at camp relaxing since she wasn't feeling well.

All in was fun...but it was SO good to be back home, bathed and in our beds after such a long night on Friday. Perhaps camping is in the future for us...but it will be a while...
Sorry to everyone at the camp site! I didn't mean to be a loud neighbor!!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Swim Lessons!

Jacob loves the water. He was the youngest in his class...but it was fun for he and Ethan to be in the same class.
It was more of a challenge to keep Ethan on the stairs to wait his turn this time. He just wanted to get out there!
Ethan loves to play in the pool and our last day was special because Daddy got to join us to play after lessons.
Jacob has a lot of fun going down the slide!