Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Great-Grandma Wheeler

We had a fun time visiting with Great Grandma. Grandma had traveled out for Joe and Marria's Graduation and to visit graves for Memorial Day. It was great getting to share lunch with her, visit, play and make her smile. The boys had a good time and were very good. I'm so glad they get to see Grandma's and I pray they get many more visits. :)

First Haircut....

Well, we finally decided that Jacob's hair needed trimmed. It's been the cutest little Mohawk...but it was starting to be more than that and it was time. He handled it pretty well...the trimmers made him a bit nervous...but as long as he could see Barney on the TV he did okay. He wasn't happy about the towel around his neck, so we lost that pretty quickly. It was so sad seeing all his soft little baby hair fall to the floor - I saved some of course - but he looks SO cute. It's amazing what a haircut can do and how old they look afterwards. I should have taken a before and after shot of Ethan too. A couple of weeks ago I talked him into cutting off the long hair on the top of his head. For several haircuts he had told me that he wanted it long on top...but after seeing his cousin with a short style...he agreed I could buzz it off as long as I didn't make him bald! He too looks MUCH older.
I guess it's a good thing I don't have girls...I love short haircuts. I never have to comb it, get a tangle out, braid it, dry it, style it....Boys hair is SO easy! (But...I'm not ruling a girl out! I could learn!!)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Comfy place to sleep

I was without a I decided I could make the bike ride over to the rec center. Well, on the way back...the boys got very quiet and when I got home...they were BOTH passed out. It was so cute and so amazing, considering Ethan doesn't take naps. I guess after a full day, Gymnastics and a quiet, cozy ride...he didn't have anything better to do than go to sleep. It was a nice quiet time for me too. Thank God for my $5 bike and our free double stroller we got from friends.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Fun in our new play area!!!

We are SOOOO blessed. One of my goals was to put in a play area for my boys! Ethan was constantly finding places to 'dig' so I knew I really needed to create a place for him. Well, we were blessed to receive gravel from our friends who were needing to get rid of theirs! So...with a lot of help from them and a weekend of work...the area is complete. The kids are having a blast...although Jacob mostly thinks gravel is for throwing - anywhere BUT the play area. But...Ethan loves it and Jacob will grow to learn the boundaries! Right?!?!? It's a lot of fun for me to watch them be boys and dig, pile, scoop, bury and imagine. Our yard is really coming together!