Sunday, November 11, 2007

We're new at this...but we have so much to tell! a couple of my friends have created blogs and I'm not one to be left here it goes.
I love sharing my family with friends and loved ones, so I'm told this is much easier than other options I've used. (As our family grows...I have less and less uninterrupted time to get on the computer, and even less time to print photos and write letters). I am hopeful that I'll not only have time to post thoughts and memories...but photos and milestones. The boys are growing so fast and time just flies by each day, week, month and year. Jacob is 9 months old today and Ethan is a "grown-up" already - according to him. As he says, he's not a man like Daddy...but he's a grown-up boy. A silly one at that.
Well, thank you to Heather and Jenny for encouraging me to start my own blog. We'll see how I do at it. So far, so good and quite easy.

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