Thursday, September 17, 2009

Vacation! Kansas City and beyond!

Emma and I hiking
Sister-in-law Beth and Amanda hiking. :)
Ethan, Anna, & Jacob hiking in Oklahoma
a southern bug, responsible for the humming noise that I love in that climate. Tim found it while on a walk out in Lawton, OK. We were there visiting his brother and family. Tim's family lived there when he growing up.
Emma thought she was SUCH big stuff!!
Jacob wanted to buy it - of course. They tried hard to sell it to us too - 40% off!

Ethan on the same rocket he sat on at 6 mo. old
"moon mobile"
In the "white room" where they buckle in the astronauts...this was at the Cosmosphere in Kansas...pretty cool museum. We were here four years ago with just Ethan

Ethan...he loves to wink at people. :) Such a ham!

Emma wasn't much for the pool - which was fine with me! :)

Tim and the boys had fun playing basketball
Ready to swim and play

The pool area at our hotel in Hutchinson, KS - we had fun...but I had to stop thinking about how dirty it wall was and just try to let the kids have fun. NOT the cleanest place I'd ever been!!
on a bridge at the playground in Hillsboro, KS...Tim remembers playing here when he was a little guy. :)
She's just so cute!! She's deep in thought right now! Silly kiddos
Love em
feeding baby goats.
Jacob LOVED this!
Emma putting up with me making her sit in all the pretty flowers.
wondering WHY mom! Why!

Emma with her Grampy Griffith

Jacob was worn out already and it was only 2pm on our first day in Kansas City

Grampy and Ethan
Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead. We had a great time here. Didn't spend nearly enough time though...there was so much to do and not enough time to do it. We were here four years ago when Ethan was just 6 mo. old and flew thru it pretty quickly. It take more time when you have two kids that get into everything and want to do all the activities!!

Jacob checking out the flowers with Daddy...Ethan was asleep in the car and Emma was with mommy keeping an eye on Ethan while we visited with Paula in Manhattan, KS

Emma chillin in the car. She did SO good. :) Bless her little heart. She's holding the pink bunny her Great Grandma Wheeler gave her when we visited on our way.
All of us with Grandma Marge Wheeler...We found out that her grandma (so Emma's Great, Great, Great Grandma) was named that was VERY cool to find out!!! I love family and connections, so it means a great deal to me. :)
had to stop and take this shot. Very cool :)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Waaaaay too long since I've updated!

So it's been waaay too long. I've been busy, busy adjusting to life with three kids. Some days I do great and other days I find it difficult to find time for anything outside of getting kids up, fed, worn out (which usually doesn't happen) and back to bed! LOL
Tim and I have worked hard to find time for ourselves as well as family time and couple time. Emma is getting better at going to bed earlier...but it's still not consistent. Tonight is an example of when all three went down easy (doesn't often happen) and Tim is having game/alone time and so I have "me" time to do pictures and blog!!! :) Maybe now that we've literally mapped out our days of the week...I'll have more time to do pictures and keep up with my blog. It's a big maybe...but I keep on trying!

There's no way to actually catch up on all the moments I've missed and put them on my blog with any sort of matching subjects and I'll just do my best to write and then post some fun pictures.

Ethan is my big helper and is so smart. I can't wait to start school again this fall and teach him the next steps. He was reviewing his letter sounds today and I was very impressed at all he knows. He's ready to be challenged so this fall will be fun to see him learn more and more. He loves sports and has had a lot of fun with Soccer and T-ball over the summer. He also loves to sing and often makes up songs throughout the day! I can't imagine where he gets that from!!

Jacob is potty trained!!! And...sleeping in a bunk-bed now with Ethan on top. Jacob is looking forward to turning 4 so he can be on the top too...did NOT want to open the door to him being allowed on the top bunk YET! He has the most expressive face and I just love to see him come up with new faces all the time. He is adjusting to not being my baby...but it's hard on him too. I often realize too late that his behavior issues for the day were because he just needs his mommy to pay attention to him and "put Emma down". Recently I made a collage of pictures of just him for his room. Poor kid is two years old and all the pictures in his room were of his brother! In my defense I did have pictures of him in other parts of the house! Anyway, now he has pictures of him to look at to remember when he was my baby.

Emma is growing by leaps and bounds...trying hard to keep up with her brothers. She can roll over both ways now (since 3 mo) and can even scoot a bit to get to a toy. She'll roll over and over until she gets to where she wants to be. JUST tonight she found her feet and successfully got one of them in her mouth. Although her pacifier of choice is her thumb...which she has been perfecting over the last week. She's VERY good at it and it's SOOO cute - right now. But I fear the day I wish she'd never started! At least Ethan's soothie stayed in his crib and wasn't a constant companion. She coos and talks up a storm all the time. She has even started this little high pitch squeal that is so prissy! I can honestly say the boys never made that sound!

Tim is hard at work and otherwise playing Wii, xbox or kept busy with his kiddos. I do get to spend time with him too...we just have to be more intentional about it now.

I hope to find more time to keep up with everyone and post more pictures...but as guarantees. :)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Miss Emma Cait is here....

Miss Emma Cait arrived @128am on Tuesday, April 7th, 2009. She weighed 8lbs 2oz and measured 20.5 in. long. She is beautiful in every way. I was thrilled beyond belief as I was able to pull her out and up to my chest as they cleaned her off. This first pictures is just moments after they cleaned her up a little. This is another shot of her with me shortly after Daddy cut the cord and was able to run and get the camera.She nursed well right off the bat and was able to spend her first hour or so with me...Then it was onto her first "check-up" and bath. She LOVED her first "spa" experience and was totally calm for her first hair washing in the sink. She also loved the heat lamp and so the nurse and I joked that she'll love to go tanning and get herself spoiled! ~_~Here she is all wrapped up after her bath...calm and fast asleep. A close-up! :)
I had to change her into pink of soon as I could so her visitors could see her "dressed up"! This is a cute little outfit from aunt Beth and cousin Amanda Griffith

The boys flew into the room and noticed her right away up on the bed. Mom did a great job of dressing them up and making them look handsome!! I blew it though and never did take a picture of all five of us. :(

Ethan couldn't wait to hold her and he did a great job (until he felt a rumble and then quickly "dumped" her off).

Another shot of the boys admiring their little sis!

Grandma and Grandpa excited to see her. They, along with Uncle Guideon took great care of our little boys while we were in the hospital. :)

Grandpa holding the little lady...
Grandma doing the same...

Uncle Guideon loves to hold the little ones too...

Jacob was VERY glad to see his Daddy...he never did want to hold Emma while he was in the hospital...but was VERY happy to have Daddy and Mommy hold him.

Krista, Erika and Kyra came to visit and brought us yummy cookies!! :)

Aunt Marah Caitrin came to visit too.. note the bold letters...Emma Cait is named after my best friend and sis, Marah. :)

The Merrill clan. :) Uncle Jon had to work. All the kids decided Marah needs to have another one!!

Cousin Wesley

Cousin Acacia
Cousin Lydia
Cousin Hannah
All wrapped up in her "Little Love Bug" blanket from aunt Marah

Daddy with Emma just before we went home. She's only a day and a half old!

Mommy with Emma before going home. I had to wear pink too!! :)

The boys were happy to see her (although it doesn't look like it on Ethan's face!) They each had to have their blankets too. :)

:)Isn't she cute? She enjoyed her ride home - thank you Lord! We pray that keeps up!

Our traditional picture of the dogs greeting the new boss! :)

Emma and I took a nap the afternoon we got home. I had her on her side and she somehow turned over a bit, seriously lifted her head and put her arms like this. I woke up - in the SAME position - and had to run to get the camera. I wish someone had been there to take a picture of both of us. :) She is a total snuggle bunny and mostly sleeps in my arms...she isn't too thrilled at being put on the boppy between Tim and I or in her bassinet...she'd rather be snuggled up to my side. It's pretty sweet...but I know I'd get better sleep if I get her used to sleeping a little further from me...but there's time for that later! :)

Aunt Marah came to visit and I just had to put a bow on her head. It was pretty cute...but a little tight so I didn't leave it on too long. ;)

My sweet girl.

She did sleep snuggled up and in her bassinet for a little while so I could get a shower last night.
Well, we couldn't be happier with our little bundle of joy. She's been on a couple of walks and has been a great little addition to our family. We can't wait for all of our friends and family to meet her. We look forward to getting to know the little sweetheart God has created and given to us. I am still in amazement each time I think of how God can take something so small and grow it into the little miracle of a child. I pray that Tim and I can raise our little girl and our boys to be the men and woman God created them to be! It is such an honor and such a humbling experience to be a parent.