Thursday, October 30, 2008

Field Trip to the Firehouse!

One of October's themes for school was Firefighters. We thought it would be fun to tour the local firehouse. The kids had a great time and got to do a lot of fun stuff while there.

All the kids on the big truck with the crew that was on hand at the time.
They each were able to turn on the hose and spray the field...they had an absolute blast!

One of the guys taught Jacob how to support his fellow firefighter while spraying the hose.

Listening carefully to the firefighter. They each were able to sit in the firetruck, which they all enjoyed.
All the kids were able to get inside the ambulance too. Jacob thought he was pretty big stuff to be able to tour with the big kids. It was so cute watching him listen to the firefighters and walk thru the building.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The zoo...again... Always a fun time!

Ethan found a HUGE bunch of leaves and since we only have small trees in our yard...this was exciting for him. Isn't he adorable?!
Even Grandpa got to come to the zoo...Jacob had fun walking with him....

riding on his shoulders... and just having a great time,

All the cousins were able to come, plus Uncle Guideon (and Uncle Joe - not in the picture).

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Side shots

Me at 8 weeks pregnant!
Me at 16 weeks pregnant. We'll hopefully find out if this is a girl or boy on November 21!! We look forward to sharing the news!


This is Jacob smelling the beautiful roses Tim bought me. He has made a tradition out of buying me beautiful roses every time we find out we're expecting a baby. YEP! As most of you know by now, we're expecting our third little one in mid-April. We're very excited and as you can tell by my posting habits...busy. I was VERY sick (compared to my other two pregnancies) all of August and most of September. I didn't get much of anything done, let alone have time or energy to get pictures uploaded. I did however take a I'm trying to get them on the computer now for other to see. I'm now 15 weeks along and feeling much better...though not on top of the world yet. Jacob LOVES babies and though I'm not sure he understands I'm having one...he's excited whenever he gets to see one. Ethan is very thrilled and can't wait to find out what we're having. (we won't know for another 5 weeks). He is hoping for a sister. Somehow I think he figures he has a brother who is annoying...maybe a sister won't be!! Little does he know! Well, I'll try to keep you all posted much more often now that I can look at a computer without getting sick!

Thanks Tim for the beautiful flowers!! We all enjoyed them.