Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Fun at the Zoo...

Fun at the zoo with Aunt Marah!

Jacob though pushing the stroller was much more fun than riding in it...Hannah had to do the steering though...
This bear was so fun. He was playing in the water and having a great time. We all needed a splash of water that day was HOT!
Fun with the fish!

We've had a great time this year at the zoo! Often we got with Marah and her kiddos...but we've been able to share it with other friends and family too. Gotta love being close to a zoo and being able to get out and do fun things!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Baseball anyone?

Jacob is getting quite good at hitting the ball as well...eventually we'll convince him to hold the bat correctly...but for now he has his own methods. I don't think it was scar him for life...but it sure drives Tim crazy that he won't accept help and instruction!

Ethan is getting VERY good at keeping his eye on the ball and hitting it across the yard. He LOVES to have Daddy pitch the ball to him. One more time...means "as many times as I can get you to do it!"
Connection!!! Great job!
"oh no"! One of his favorite phrases...

Sunday, July 13, 2008 out!

We had a blast! We decided to get out on an adventure after our Pastor suggested we do something like that. We're talking about taking a hike with God and what that means to be on a journey with Him. So he suggested that we do something like a hike with our family and see what it took to prepare, what happened while on the journey and so forth. We decided rather than a hike with two little ones, we'd go walk around the CU campus for something different to do. I wanted to teach the boys a few new first we climbed some trees...Ethan wasn't as comfortable as he looks! I'm bracing his bottom on the other side!
It was a great day and we had a lot of fun as a family!
I had to convince Ethan that climbing trees was fun! You can tell we don't have any good sized trees in our town!
He didn't like that I left him up there! LOL
We also learned to roll down hills. I was SO sick after doing it...but it was a lot of fun to share it with the boys.
Jacob wasn't sure about it either! He kinda wondered what we were doing and why!
He liked the tree climbing part...more than he should have! I'll have to watch him around trees!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Big boys!

Every once in a while we get to have dinner in the living room. This was Jacob's first time eating at the table with big brother, rather than in the high chair. He thought he was pretty big stuff!