Friday, June 20, 2008

Jacob went potty in the toilet!!!!

So this was tonight. After dinner he was messing around in the bathroom...I went in and asked him what he was doing. He said clearly, "mommy poopoop." So I let him sit on the toilet...although I was trying to do dishes. Finally I took him off, even though he kept saying, "no mama, poopoop." Well, right after I got his diaper on and he ran into the livingroom...he ran back into the bathroom saying, "poopoop, poopoop!" So I put him back up there and gave him a magazine. I thought he was so cute and ran to get the camera. To my disbelief while I was taking the picture I heard a plop sound. I was so excited I yelled for Tim and scared him to death. He started crying and I tried really hard to get him to stop. Tim got there and we made a huge deal out of it and he was excited to look and wave goodbye to "it" and say, "bye bye poopoop." I know...too much detail....but it's a big deal. I hope I didn't ruin his excitement by scaring him half to death yelling for Tim. I'm sure we have a long road ahead still...but this was no mistake. He knew he needed to go and wanted to do it on the toilet. It was so amazing and so cute. Even Ethan got into the congratulations!! Go Jacob!
Ethan took this picture! here is the first potty adventure. (May 21st) Jacob has been interested in the we let him sit there now and then whenever he brings it up.
Another time...same day.

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