Friday, June 20, 2008

Jacob went potty in the toilet!!!!

So this was tonight. After dinner he was messing around in the bathroom...I went in and asked him what he was doing. He said clearly, "mommy poopoop." So I let him sit on the toilet...although I was trying to do dishes. Finally I took him off, even though he kept saying, "no mama, poopoop." Well, right after I got his diaper on and he ran into the livingroom...he ran back into the bathroom saying, "poopoop, poopoop!" So I put him back up there and gave him a magazine. I thought he was so cute and ran to get the camera. To my disbelief while I was taking the picture I heard a plop sound. I was so excited I yelled for Tim and scared him to death. He started crying and I tried really hard to get him to stop. Tim got there and we made a huge deal out of it and he was excited to look and wave goodbye to "it" and say, "bye bye poopoop." I know...too much detail....but it's a big deal. I hope I didn't ruin his excitement by scaring him half to death yelling for Tim. I'm sure we have a long road ahead still...but this was no mistake. He knew he needed to go and wanted to do it on the toilet. It was so amazing and so cute. Even Ethan got into the congratulations!! Go Jacob!
Ethan took this picture! here is the first potty adventure. (May 21st) Jacob has been interested in the we let him sit there now and then whenever he brings it up.
Another time...same day.

Ethan and David

Ethan made such good friend's with David, who was with us twice a week for three months. He says nearly every night, "I wish David would come play tomorrow." "I miss him mommy."

Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day

Jacob, with his book, ready for a nice walk/hike/jog.
Ethan and Tim going for their run.
Ethan was so serious and actually quite good at running.
The view during our outing - so beautiful.
This is a turtle...not sure Ethan ever actually saw it....but he said he did.

We had a great day. Relaxing, but we also got out in the morning for a walk/jog. :) Ethan was so determined to run the "race". He kept saying we were at the Bolder Boulder...he did keep running for a while...but towards the end was so worn out - of course he wouldn't admit it and kept going until we finally had to carry him. He would not hear of going in the stroller because he wasn't tired.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Popsicles with Friends

What brought on the need for Popsicles
Ethan, Erika, Madison and Kyra...
Jacob was totally in to the idea...
Ethan with another one later that day.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Peanut butter and apples anyone?

Needless to say, he needed a bath after this snack! He loved it though and we were outside having a it was a great time to test out peanut butter and how it works in the hair. He did eat some of it too...but I think most of it was in his hair and on the tray.

Worn out!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Me and my "Pal"

Ethan loves his doggy Bear. Bear usually loves Ethan...though there are times I think he and Daisy both wish they were still the only babies in the house. It is cute to see them get along and play though and on this day, Ethan was very in to calling Bear his "Pal" and loving on him.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

More pics of the Gorge and our visit...

Ethan at the petting zoo. There were the cutest little baby goats!

Aah! Such love.
Ethan thought the Colorado flag was pretty cool and it was SO windy! Did I mention that?

The boys each got to take a pony ride. They both did great and loved it. This one was the smallest one and the personal pony of the lady leading him.
Ethan's was a bit bigger...but just his size.
We topped the night off with a train ride of course.

The Royal Gorge and Grammy and Grampy

Grampy and the boys!
Ethan LOVED doing puzzles with Grammy and was quite good at it too!

Daddy's artistic shot of us in the cage train to the bottom of the gorge.
Ethan loved seeing the train...but it was REALLY loud and very windy.

We had a great visit and our day at the Gorge was a lot of fun. Thanks Grammy & Grampy!

Mommy got a hair cut too!

I was done with my curls...though they were my new do is short, short and so easy. I figured if everyone else (the boys) were getting their hair cut...I had to too. :) Here's a shot of us at the Royal Gorge!