Friday, February 15, 2008

Jacob is ONE!!!!

I can't believe my baby is one! The year has gone far too fast. I can still hear my friend Carmen saying, "has Jacob had his tummy time today?" I owe it to her he ever got tummy time and learned to crawl! LOL Seriously, the year has flown by, faster than the first year with Ethan. Jacob is walking like a pro, learning his first signs and sprouting teeth faster than I can enter in his book. (not sure if I'm even caught up on that...guess I'll have to make it up)!
He was a champ at his birthday party. Took a good nap before and then woke up ready to party. He loved his pizza, loved his cake (once he figured out he could touch it), loved his gifts (with a little guidance on how to put one gift down and move onto the next one). He crashed hard after his party and still slept another 12 hours that night. He's SO like his Daddy...that party wore Tim and Jacob out. Ethan on the other hand...stayed up and cuddled with me, talking my ear off. I had to finally cut it off at 930 and send him to bed where he finally went to sleep. We love party's!!! :)
Jacob had a great turn out and it was a beautiful day. Thank you to everyone who came and helped to celebrate his first big birthday! We love you all!!!

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