Thursday, January 3, 2008

Christmas Urgent Care?

Yep! Jacob ended up in Urgent Care because he could hardly breathe. It was a bit of a scary time...but again, you can't tell from the pictures.

Thankfully, we got thru that and still enjoyed the rest of our visit. The kids had a blast at Grammy and Grampy's house and had a great time playing with one another and spending time with aunts and uncles. From the can tell we wore out Grammy! She did finish the puzzle eventually however!
It really was a great time and a special memory of Jacob and Myah's first Christmas. Lydia and Ethan got to spend their first Christmas it was only fitting that the new babies got to do so.
We're so blessed to have both sets of parents close by and to have such wonderful cousins for our kiddos to grow up knowing. We missed Phil and Beth and their girls...but enjoyed all the German Chocolate Grammy brought back from her visit with them!!

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