Friday, December 7, 2007

My Jacob!!! The little walker...hugger & smoocher

It happened! He took his first steps and I got it ON TAPE!!!! He was pushing a car around like a big boy and so I got out the video camera. Just when I got it on, he stopped. I kept filming and said, "Jacob...push you car!" Then, instead of pushing his car, he turned, stood up and took 4 steps towards me WHILE I was filming. Well, it's nearing a week later and he's still not taken more than a few steps each day...but he's getting better and better. He just still thinks crawling is more efficient than walking. I must say, at this point he's right as he is SO fast crawling and so cute. He's like a little wind-up doll...but I am looking forward to the day he walks across the room. Right now if I come into a room...he crawls lightning fast towards me, put up his arms and bounces until I pick him up. Then he gives me the biggest hug a little 9 month old can and even gives me a kiss if I ask for one. I just can't believe he's nearly 10 months old and changing so much!
I'm trying to savour every moment...but it still seems to slip by faster than I can grasp.

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