Friday, December 7, 2007

My Jacob!!! The little walker...hugger & smoocher

It happened! He took his first steps and I got it ON TAPE!!!! He was pushing a car around like a big boy and so I got out the video camera. Just when I got it on, he stopped. I kept filming and said, "Jacob...push you car!" Then, instead of pushing his car, he turned, stood up and took 4 steps towards me WHILE I was filming. Well, it's nearing a week later and he's still not taken more than a few steps each day...but he's getting better and better. He just still thinks crawling is more efficient than walking. I must say, at this point he's right as he is SO fast crawling and so cute. He's like a little wind-up doll...but I am looking forward to the day he walks across the room. Right now if I come into a room...he crawls lightning fast towards me, put up his arms and bounces until I pick him up. Then he gives me the biggest hug a little 9 month old can and even gives me a kiss if I ask for one. I just can't believe he's nearly 10 months old and changing so much!
I'm trying to savour every moment...but it still seems to slip by faster than I can grasp.

"I'm a grown-up"

This week marked Ethan's second time in the 3 year old class for Gymnastics. He's so brave! I knew he'd do well...but he was a little nervous about going to the class, as I would not be in the room with him. He did SO good! He came out proudly from class announcing to me that he did good. He held up his little green paper and pointed to it, telling me that it said, "I did good in class today!" So cute...I nearly cried...but tried hard to contain myself! He doesn't need his mommy crying already...just think how I'll be the first day he walks into or out of kindergarten!!! Okay...lets not go there.
He then asked if we could go get "coffee" (his is hot cocoa) since he'd done so good. On our way to the Perfect Cup, he said, "mommy...I was okay without you! I'm a grown-up now. I will have hair on my cheeks soon." It was all I could do not to bust out laughing. He just cracks me up! He couldn't wait to call Daddy and tell him.
It's strange to leave him alone in the room...but he is doing such a great job with the other kiddos and listening to his teacher. I'm so proud of him. The 45 min. is also a fun time for me to spend with Jacob one-on-one, which doesn't happen often. Still...I am not at all looking forward to the day I leave him with a teacher for an entire day! I will miss my little "grown-up". Though he keeps me busy...he makes me smile more often than I ever dreamed. He especially makes my day when he gives me a neck hug and tells me he loves me and he likes me!