Sunday, January 25, 2009

The flight!!

Tim bought a plane! Here it is and he and the boys love to go fly Daddy's plane. It was truly freezing out this day, but Tim had just gotten it and really wanted to fly. The boys wanted to be there for the first we all bundled up and headed out to see the show! :) You can't see it real well, but Ethan has his two planes too.

All bundled up and ready to head to the park!
Isn't he the cutest in his snow suit!!! :) My little Jacob was SOOO cold at the end of our flight that Tim had to run back home with him to get him warmed up.
Ethan flying his plane while watching Daddy's in the sky....

Here we go.....
Ready,! (it's crashed a few times since this picture...but Tim is still having fun with this new hobby!!! Thanks Chris (a neighbor of ours)....

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Current Belly shot...27 weeks

I'm feeling SO ready to have this kid...I feel so much bigger than this pictures shows...but I have grown considerably since the 20 weeks shot. The baby is moving around like crazy and giving my legs and belly some pain...but overall I'm not too bad off! I don't feel sick, I can wear my contacts now without feeling nauseous, I've been able to still go for walks - which helps me feel much better. I'm very excited to see if we find out anything more for sure in the gender department. We have another U/S at 32weeks. But...if not...we'll only have another 8 weeks from there before we find out for sure!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Random shots....

I let the boys choose a special meal for New Year's Eve. Ethan wanted hot chocolate to go along with his. I don't think he really understood the year changing. He just wanted to know when Christmas would be again...
Jacob loves Corn dogs and...well that's about all he ate from his "special" meal, along with his sippy of "bilk"

Hmmm...potty training isn't exactly going smoothly. He likes my new planter though! (Although he didn't produce anything in there either).

The boys posing....

The boys playing together. They were trying so hard...but never did get a volley going.

snow angels in what was left of the snow! Poor Ethan needs some boots!

Jacob thought snow angels were pretty fun too!